Advantages of Tungsten Alloy Sphere as Fishing Sinkers/Weight
Advantages of Tungsten Alloy Sphere as Fishing Sinkers/Weights1. Small volume High density makes volume of tungsten&
Radiation protection tungsten parts
TheusageoftungstenheavyalloyinradiationprotectionisnotsubjecttoNRC,EPA,orspecialOSHA regulations,soithasbeenwidelyusedinnuclearmedicineascollimator,isotopecontainer,
About Tungsten Alloy
Also named tungsten heavy alloy, generally is refractory metal, which has two-phase composites consisting of W-Ni- Fe or W-Ni- Cu or even W-Ni-Cu-Fe, some tungsten alloys are added Co、Mo、Cr, etc. They have very high melting point and have a density...
Tungsten Alloy Hunting Shot
Tungstenalloyhuntingshot isusedastheshotofshotgun.Ashotgunisafirearmthatisusuallydesignedtobefiredfromtheshoulder.Theshotpelletsfromashotgunspreaduponleavingthe
High density tungsten alloy ball,diameter 2mm-100
High density tungsten alloy ball is small in volume but very dense,which composition consist of W-Ni- Fe. High density tungsten alloy ball ...
What is tungsten alloy rod?
What is Tungsten Alloy Rod?Tungsten alloy rod is produced by mixing and pressing tungsten and other metal powders abd sintering them into semi-product bilets,which is worked by ...